
The multi- and interdisciplinary FEWD Animal Advocacy project at University of Vienna has two main goals: The first is to provide inspiration to people from different academic disciplines as they explore avenues for their own research. The second is to encourage rational public discourse and dialogue about animal advocacy in civil society. The move to a society that is more humane and focused on species justice depends crucially on both empathy and rational argumentation.

National / regional member of the Eurogroup for Animals.

For the moment a selection of important sources.

Cherry, Elizabeth. 2016. Culture and Activism: Animal Rights in France and the United States. New York, NY, Routledge.   

Dardenne, Emilie 2010. The Reception of Peter Singer’s Theories in France. Society and Animals 18 (2): 205-218.

Segal, Jerome. 2020. Animal Radical. Histoire et sociologie de l'antispécisme. Montreal, Lux éditeur.

Traini, Christophe 2016. The Animal Rights Struggle: An Essay in Historical Sociology (Protest and Social Movements). Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press. Open Access at

Traini, Christophe 2014. Animal Rights Activists and Law. Repression or Formalization of Emotions? Droit et société (87): 465-482.

Traini, Christophe 2012. Between Disgust And Moral Outrage: Sociogenesis Of An Activist Practice. Revue francaise de science politique 62 (4): 559-581 Abstract: “This article aims to show how the conversion to a vegetarian diet is an empirical material most relevant to the sociology of collective mobilization and activism.”

Traini, Christophe 2011. The Emotions of the Animal Cause: Stories of Affects and Militant Work. Politix: Revue des sciences sociales du politique 24 (93): DOI: 10.3917/pox.093.0069

Traini, Christophe 2010. From feelings to emotions (And back again) » How does one become an animal rights activist? Revue francaise de science politique 60: 219-240.


See also:

Agulhon, Maurice 1995. Der vagabundierende Blick. Für ein neues Verständnis politischer Geschichtsschreibung (Kapitel: Das Blut der Tiere. Das Problem des Tierschutzes im Frankreich des 19. Jahrhundert). Frankfurt a. Main, Fischer.

Crossley, Ceri 2005. Consumable Metaphors. Attitudes towards Animals and Vegetarianism in Nineteenth-Century France. Oxford, Peter Lang.