Welcome at the developing new homepage of the FEWD.at!                

The FEWD.at – “Forschungsstelle für Ethik und Wissenschaft im Dialog / Research Center for Ethics and Science in Dialog“ was 2001 established at the philosophy department of the University of Vienna.

Since beginning the FEWD is guided by the motto to implement humanistic ethics and philosophy in multi- and interdisciplinary dialogs and research. 

Founding member was Univ. Prof. Dr. Dr. h. c. Peter Kampits in cooperation with Univ. Prof. Dr. Hubert Christian Ehalt from the Vienna Science Fund. Prof. Peter Kampits was in the 1980th the first Austrian philosophy professor with main research and teaching focus on medical and bioethics. Also he was the main academic initiator for the 2001 established Austrian Bioethics Commission. Since 2009 he is there officially involved as a vice-chair person. Links related to Prof. Peter Kampits: Homepage, at Wikipedia in German / English coming soon.

Also Prof. F. M. Wuketits, researcher at University of Vienna as specialist on philosophy of biology and science supported since 2001 the main FEWD philosophy of liberal secular humanism in an evolutionary naturalistic tradition. Sadly Prof. Wuketits died on cancer in the age of just 63 in June 2018.  

For any contact please use fewd.philosophie@univie.ac.at Officially FEWD contact person is the FEWD scientific coordinator Mag. Erwin Lengauer – Erwin.lengauer@univie.ac.at  Erwin Lengauer is now finishing his doctoral thesis on “Secular-analytic bioethics and the normative status of biological entities” He already published several papers on that topic and teaches on that topic too. Especially on different topics of humanistics (bio)-ethics. See the FEWD list about  sources for teaching bioethics.