About Animal-Advocacy.net

Welcome to the multi- and interdisciplinary Animal-Advocacy.net / Animal-Advocacy.eu platform!

Coordinated  by the FEWD team and supporters from different university depatments around the world.

This  FEWD Animal Advocacy platform at University of Vienna has two main goals:
The first is to provide inspiration to people from different academic disciplines as they explore avenues for their own research.
The second is to encourage rational public discourse and dialogue about animal advocacy in civil society. The move to a society that is more humane and focused on species justice depends crucially on both empathy and rational argumentation.
See the analysis "The importance of cognitive appeals is effectively explored in the animal rights movement, ..."

This platform focus since many years with the special geographical focus on CEEC. And there at the Danube region and the Western Balkans. A region which is since 2001 a continous FEWD bioethics research area.

And important to mention is that this animal advocacy platform is embedded in the thematic broader CEEC project "Humanistic discourses, civil society and social movements

For these projects special thanks goes to the CEEOL.com team.

Important for the animal advocacy aspect is that since 2001 - starting with Prof. Tom Regan - the FEWD team organizes the Vienna Animal Advocacy Lecture- VAAL at University of Vienna.

Additionally the FEWD coordinates since 2001 with researcher workshops for students based on the FEWD Bibliography on Animal Advocacy in the Social Sciences and Humanities. 

Originally 1986 the first Austrian workshops on this topic - legal theory and animal rights  & movements - organized at University of Vienna, are initiated by the SAWAR platform. 


Since 2001 the FEWD at the University of Vienna has coordinated the internationally oriented, multi- and interdisciplinary platform Animal-Advocacy.net. The main objective of this AA platform is to motivate and support master / doctoral students and more established researchers, especially post-docs, to conduct research on animal advocacy. The umbrella term 'animal advocacy' covers relevant discourses in the context of animal welfare / law / rights / liberation and their movements. Especially in newer academic research and publications, the term animal advocacy is used with this meaning. This platform connects and supports academic research on animal advocacy and related topics in a variety of ways: We have had great pleasure in inviting particularly relevant researchers to speak at the 'Vienna Animal Advocacy lectures' at University of Vienna. We assist students and young researchers in attending relevant European conferences. We organise a bibliography with an internal full text archive for animal advocacy with entries dating back to 1970. In terms of publication, the multidisciplinary AAP team maintains dialogue with relevant editorial members of the leading Animal Advocacy journals, especially those of 'Society and Animals', 'Politics and Animals', 'Journal of Animal Ethics' as well as a number of animal law and animal welfare journals. For more information please contact us at: fewd.philosophie@univie.ac.at (animal-advocacy.net & animal-advocacy.eu are forwarded here to our FEWD AA Platform page at fewd.univie.ac.at/aa/ )

Please visit also the Students for animal welfare and animal rights - SAWAR