
The multi- and interdisciplinary FEWD Animal Advocacy project at University of Vienna has two main goals: The first is to provide inspiration to people from different academic disciplines as they explore avenues for their own research. The second is to encourage rational public discourse and dialogue about animal advocacy in civil society. The move to a society that is more humane and focused on species justice depends crucially on both empathy and rational argumentation.

National / regional member of the Eurogroup for Animals.

Information about national Animal Law in will be posted soon!

Walby, Kevin / Monaghan, Jeffrey 2011. Private Eyes and Public Order: Policing and Surveillance in the Suppression of Animal Rights Activists in Canada. Social Movement Studies 10 (1): 21-37.

Sorenson, John 2010. About Canada: Animal Rights. Halifax, Fernwood Publication.

Bauer, Frances 1975. Animal rights and human duties. (Dissertation; Concordia University - Canada) Ann Arbor, MI, ProQuest. Worldwide one of the first dissertation supporting animal and rights.