Willkommen zum FEWD Forschungsprojekt: 

Kultur- und sozialwissenschaftliche Topographie der  veg* (vegetarisch / veganen) Gastronomie, mit besonderer Berücksichtigung der Wein- und Bierkultur. -  (FEWD Research Project. draft version!: The culture of veg* (vegetarian / vegan) gastronomy in Europe, with special focus on the culture of wine and beer. short englisch version.)

Vegetarisch / vegane Ernährung und Gastronomie findet sowohl in den Medien wie in der Forschung seit einigen Jahren verstärkt Berücksichtigung. Siehe hierzu die umfassende einschlägige kultur-und sozialwissenschaftliche FEWD Bibliographien, chronologisch und alphabetisch geordnet.  Mit dem speziellen Forschungsschwerpunkt "Vegetarisch / vegane Gastronomy. Von der Askese zum ethischen Hedonismus" ist es das Ziel erstmals im deutschsprachigen Raum die oftmals dominierende Bewertung von Vegetarismus und insbesondere Veganismus als rigide und asketische Lebensform verstärkt kritisch zu hinterfragen. Hiezu gilt es mit anderen WissenschafterInnen und MultiplikatorInnen den Austausch von Informationen über relevante neue Studien, Publikationen etc. zu verstärken. Vorrangiges Ziel ist es damit auch den Themenbereich Vegetarismus / Veganismus unter den Bedingungen einer modernen pluralistischen Gesellschaft besser mit ethisch hedonistischen Argumenten zu thematisieren. Und damit verstärkt sowohl in die interdisziplinären Fachdiskurse als auch in die öffentlichen Diskurse einzubringen. Mit Argumenten eines ethischen Hedonismus in der Tradition des aufgeklärten Humanismus. Siehe hierzu insbesondere das FEWD Projekt Philosophie und Cultur des Wein.  Ausgewählte wissenschaftliche Kooperationspartner


In the established academic gastronomy / hospitality and food journals and books very few publications focus on vegetarian and vegan gastronomy.

(A regulary updated general bibliography on vegetarianism / veganism in the cultural and social studies can you find at http://vegstudies.univie.ac.at/bibliographies/  See also the often cited overview article Ruby, Matthew 2012. Research Review: Vegetarianism. A blossoming field of study. Appetite 58: 141-150.)

Albala, Ken 2002. Insensible Perspiration and Oily Vegetable Humor: An Eighteenth-Century Controversy over Vegetarianism. Gastronomica 2 (3): 29-36.

Beriss, David / Sutton, David E. (Eds.) 2007. The Restaurants Book. Ethnographies of Where we EatOxford, Berg.

Bramble, Benjamin / Fischer, Robert William (eds.) 2016. The Moral Complexities of Eating Meat. Oxford, Oxford University Press. (Chapter online at: www.benbramble.com) 

Camillo, Angelo / et al. 2010. A model of historical development and future trends of Italian cuisine in America. International Journal of Hospitality Management 29 (4): 549-558. 

Capatti, Alberto  2004. The birth of vegetarian associations in Italy. Food and History 2 (1): 167-190.

Chignell, Andrew / Cuneo, Terence / Halteman, Matthew C. (eds.) 2016. Philosophy Comes to Dinner. Arguments on the Ethics of Eating. New York, NY, Routledge.

Cole, Matthew / Morgan, Karen 2011. Vegaphobia: derogatory discourses of veganism and the reproduction of speciesism in UK national newspaper. British Journal of Sociology 61(1): 134-153.

Cole, Matthew 2008. Asceticism and hedonism in research discourses of veg*anismBritish Food Journal 110 (7): 706-716

Crisp, Roger 2006. Hedonism Reconsidered. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 73(3): 619-645.

Dalby, Andrew 1996. Siren Feasts: A History of Food and Gastronomy in Greece. London, Routledge.

Dolphijn, Rick 2006. Capitalism on a Plate. The Politics of Meat Eating in Bangalore, India. Gastronomica 6 (3): 52-59.

Edwards, Rem Blanchard 1979. Pleasures and Pains: A Theory of Qualitative Hedonism. Ithaca, NY, Cornell University Press.

European Institute of Food History and Culture  www.iehca.eu organizes in Tours since 2015 annually The International Conference on Food History and Cultures. 

European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics (EurSafe) www.eursafe.org

Fachhochschule Wien der WKW, BA und MA Studiengang Tourismus Management


Fachhochschule Eisenstadt, Masterstudium Internationales Weinmarketing http://www.fh-burgenland.at/studienangebot/master-studiengaenge/ma-internationales-weinmarketing/

Feldman, Fred 2001. Hedonism. In:  Becker, Lawrence (ed.). Encyclopedia of Ethics. New York, NY, Routledge: 662-669.

Feldman, Fred 1997. Utilitarianism, Hedonism, and Desert. Cambridge, Cambridge University Press.

Feldman, Fred 2006. Pleasure and the Good Life: Concerning the Nature, Varieties and Plausibility of Hedonism. Oxford, Oxford University Press.

Feldman, Fred 2010. What Is This Thing Called Happiness? Oxford, Oxford University Press.

FoodService Europe 2016/ Nr.6 Pan-European Survey. Good Food, Clean Conscience: Vegetarian and Vegan Concepts Are on the Rise. Part 1: Austria, France, Spain & Switzerland, page 8-17.  plus 2017 Nr. 1 Part 2 about Britian, Italy, Germany and Sweden.

Food Service Europe & Middle East. 2011 Pan European Survey Vegetarian Restaurants - Part 1 & 2, Nr. 4 and 5.

Fritz, Klaus-Peter / Wagner, Daniela (eds.) 2015. Forschungsfeld Gastronomie: Grundlagen - Einstellungen - Konsumenten. Wiesbaden, Springer Verlag.

Gastronomica. The Journal of Food and Culture, University of California Press

Gillespie, Cailein H. 2001. European Gastronomy Into the 21st Century. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann.

Gillespie, Cailein H. 1994. Gastrosophy and: Entrepreneurial Fashion and Fiction. British Food Journal 96 (10): 19-23.

Gvion-Rosenberg, Liora 1990. Why Do Vegetarian Restaurants Serve Hamburgers? Toward an Understanding of a Cuisine. Semiotica 80 (1-2): 49-60.

Helstosky, Carol (ed.) 2014. The Routledge History of Food. New York, NY, Routledge.

International Congress on Vegetarian Nutrition - ICVN, since 1987 every five year. Next ICVN will be in February 2018

International Council on Hotel, Restaurant, and Institutional Education, www.chrie.org


Kashiwagi-Wetzel,  Kikuko (H.) 2017 Theorien des Essens. Berlin, Suhrkamp.

Ku, Robert Ji-Song 2014. Dubious Gastronomy: The Cultural Politics of Eating Asian in the USA. Honolulu, University of Hawaii Press.


Lemke, Harald. 2016. Ethik des Essens. Einführung in die Gastrosophie (Habilitation). (2. Auflage - überarbeitete Neuausgabe). Bielefeld, transcript.


Lemke, Harald 2014. Über das Essen. Philosophische Erkundungen. München, Fink Verlag.  

Lemke, Harald 2012. Veganer werden? Peter Singer als politscher Hedonist und Gastroethiker. In. Lemke, Harald. Politik des Essens: Wovon die Welt von morgen lebt. Bielefeld, Transcript: 275-316.

Lemke, Harald 2009. Genealogie des gastrosophischen Hedonismus. In. Dell’Agli, Daniele (Hg.). Essen als ob nicht. Gastrosophische Modelle. Frankfurt a. M., STW17-64.

Lemke, Harald 2007. Gastrosophischer Vegetarismus. In. Lemke, Harald. Ethik des Essens. Eine Einführung in die Gastrosophie. Berlin, Akademie Verlag: 420-434.


Lengauer, Erwin 2016 "Veganism in Europe" in: FoodService Europe 2016/ Nr.6 Pan-European Survey.

Marques, Anabela. 2015. ROTA GASTRONOMICA VEGETARIANA / VEGAN IBÉRICA. Universidade de Barcelona. 33 pages

Marques, Anabela 2009. Reflexão sobre a Restauração Vegetariana No Território Português. Universidade de Coimbra. 90 pages.

Moore, Andrew 2008. Hedonism. In: The Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (Fall 2008 Edition) http://plato.stanford.edu/entries/hedonism

Mortara , Ariela 2013. Techno mums' motivations towards vegetarian and vegan lifestyles. Italian Sociological Review 3 (3): 184-192.

Parry, Jovian 2010. Gender and slaughter in popular gastronomy. Feminism & Psychology 20 (3): 381-396. 

Pearlman, Alison. 2013. Smart Casual: The Transformation of Gourmet Restaurant Style in America. Chicago, IL, University of Chicago Press.

Puskar-Pasewicz, Margaret A. (ed.) 2010. Cultural Encyclopedia of Vegetarianism. Santa Barbara, CA, Greenwood Press.

Rawlinson, Mary C. / Ward, Caleb (Eds.) 2017. The Routledge Handbook of Food Ethics. London, Routledge.  

Ribbat, Christoph. 2016. Im Restaurant. Eine Geschichte aus dem Bauch der Moderne. Berlin, STW.

Rivera, Manuel / Shani, Amir 2013. Attitudes and orientation toward vegetarian food in the restaurant industry. An operator's perspective. International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 25 (7): 1049-1065.


Robuchon, Joel (ed.) 2009. Larousse Gastronomique: The World's Greatest Culinary Encyclopedia. London, Hamlyn.

Rowland, Perrin J. 2010. Dining Out: A History of the Restaurant in New Zealand. Auckland, NZ, Auckland University Press.

Sanchez-Fernandez, Raquel / Iniesta-Bonillo, M. Angeles 2010. Hedonic Value, Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Empirical Analysis in a Service Context. Journal of Marketing Trends 1 (1): 27-40. (A total of 306 individuals were interviewed after visiting several vegetarian restaurants in four Spanish cities.)

Shani, Amir / DiPietro, Robin B. 2007. Vegetarians: A Typology for Foodservice Menu Development. Hospitality Review 25 (2): 66-73 Online at: http://digitalcommons.fiu.edu/hospitalityreview/vol25

Shani, Amir 2010. Vegetarianism. In. Pizam, Abraham (Ed.). International Encyclopedia of Hospitality Management. Oxford, Butterworth-Heinemann: 674-676.

Simmonds, Tara 2006. An Exploration of the Sprout: The Complex Nature of Food and Ideology in a Vegetarian Restaurant. Culture et tradition. 28: 82-99.

Spang, Rebecca L. 2001. The Invention of the Restaurant: Paris and Modern Gastronomic Culture. Cambridge, MA, Harvard University Press.

Thompson, Paul B. / Kaplan, David M. (eds.) 2014. Encyclopedia of Food and Agricultural Ethics. Berlin, Springer.

Wilson, Catherine 2008. Epicureanism at the Origins of Modernity. Oxford, Clarendon Press.  

Wiker, Benjamin 2002. Moral Darwinism: How We Became Hedonists (Christian Classics Bible Studies). Downers Grove, IL, InterVarsity Press


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