Willkommen zur frundlegenden FEWD Animal Advocacy / Politics Bibliographie!
(English version is soon available)
Vorweg, ein noch immer wichtiger Grundlagentext zu Animal Politics stammt von:
Ahlhaus, S., & Niesen, P. 2015. What is animal politics? Outline of a new research agenda. Historical Social Research, 40 (4), 7-31. doi.org/10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.7-31
Weiters in Druck ist:
Ahlhaus, Svenja. 2025. Political Representation of Animals. In: The Oxford Handbook of Global Animal Law, edited by Peters, Anne. et al. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (in Press)
Bitte besuchen sie auch die Seite von Prof. Colette Vogeler. Sie betreut auch das DFG geförderte Forschungsprojekt "TIER: Determinanten und internationale Varianz von Tierschutzpolitik".
Weiters hier nachfolgend die im Aufbau befindliche grundlegende Animal Advocacy Bibliographie.
Weitere "nationale / regionale" Quellen finden sich im Animal Advocacy Bibliographie Country Bereich . Siehe z. B. Polen bibliography mit intensiven Animal Law Diskursen.
Aavik, Kadri 2018. The animal advocacy movement in the Baltic states: links to other social justice issues and possibilities for intersectional activism. Journal of Baltic Studies, 49:4, 509-527.
Ahlhaus, Svenja. 2025. Political Representation of Animals. In: The Oxford Handbook of Global Animal Law, edited by Peters, Anne. et al. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (in Press)
Ahlhaus, S., & Niesen, P. 2015. What is animal politics? Outline of a new research agenda. Historical Social Research, 40 (4), 7-31. doi.org/10.12759/hsr.40.2015.4.7-31
Animals, 2022 Special Issue on Animal Advocacy: Legal Status, Rights & Responsibilities. Open access at https://www.mdpi.com/si/animals/animal_advocacy
Animals 2019. Should Animal Welfare Regulations Be More Restrictive? A Case Study in Eight European Union Countries. Open Access at https://www.mdpi.com/2076-2615/9/4/195
Bertuzzi, Niccolo 2019. Contemporary animal advocacy in Italy. Modern Italy: Journal of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy 24 (1): 1-20. (1): 1-20.
Chen, Peter John 2016. Animal Welfare in Australia. Politics and Policy. Sydney, Sydney University Press. https://sydneyuniversitypress.com.au/products/83132?
Cherry, Elizabeth. 2016. Culture and Activism: Animal Rights in France and the United States. New York, NY, Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Culture-and-Activism-Animal-Rights-in-France-and-the-United-States/Cherry/p/book/9781472476746
Diaz Carmona, Estela 2012. Profile of the Vegan Animal Rights Activist in Spain. Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas 139: 175-187.
Donaldson, S., & Kymlicka, W. (2011). Zoopolis: A political theory of animal rights. Oxford University Press.
Garner, R. (2005). The political theory of animal rights. Manchester University Press.
Garner, Robert 2008. The Politics of Animal Rights. British Politics 3 (1): 110-119.
Garner, R. (2010). Animals, ethics and public policy. Political Quarterly, 81(1), 123–130.
Harstad, R. M. B. (2024). The politics of animal welfare: A scoping review of farm animal welfare governance. Review of Policy Research, 41, 679-702. Open access!! doi.org/10.1111/ropr.12554
Herzog, Harold A. 1993. “The movement is my life”: The psychology of animal rights activism. Journal of Social Issues 49: 103 - 119.
Jasper, James M. 2011. Emotions and Social Movements. Twenty Years of Theory and Research. Annual Review of Sociology 37: 285-303.
Jacobsson, Kerstin / Lindblom, Jonas 2012. Moral Reflexivity and Dramaturgical Action in Social Movement Activism: The Case of the Plowshares and Animal Rights Sweden. Social Movement Studies 11 (1): 41-60.
Kaluđerovic, Zeljko, 2022. Bioethics, Legislation and Non-Human Animals – Review of the situation in the Republic of Serbia. https://www.ceeol.com/search/article-detail?id=1074368
Kerstin Jacobsson, 2013. Channeling and enrollment: The institutional shaping of animal rights activism in Poland. In. Jacobsson, Kerstin / Saxonberg, Steven (ed.) Beyond NGO-ization? The development of social movements in Central, Eastern Europe … https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Kerstin-Jacobsson
Kerstin Jacobsson, 2012. Fragmentation of the collective action space: The animal rights movement in Poland. http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/21599165.2012.720570
Kovacevic, Bozo 2010. A Manifesto of Animal Rights Movement: On Speciesism or Discrimination on the Basis of Species. Revija za sociologiju 40 (3): 337-343.
Lund, V., et al. 2006. Animal welfare science — Working at the interface between the natural and social sciences. Applied Animal Behaviour Science, 97(1), 37–49. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.appla nim.2005.11.017
Macauley, David 1987. Political Animals: A Study of the Emerging Animal Rights Movement in the United States. Between the Species 3: 66-75.
McLaren, J., & Appleyard, T. (2021). Social movements, identity and disruption in organizational fields: Accounting for farm animal welfare. Critical Perspectives on Accounting, 84, 102310. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.cpa.2021.102310
Michalski, Joseph H. 2016. Overcoming Sociological Naïveté in the Animal Rights Movement. Theory in Action 9 (1): 52-82.
Milligan, Tony 2015. The Political Turn in Animal Rights. online at journals.lub.lu.se/pa/article/view/13512
Mills, Gordon 2013. The successes and failures of policing animal rights extremism in the UK 2004-2010. International Journal of Police Science and Management 15 (1): 30-44.
Munro, Lyle 2012. Learning and Teaching Guide on the animal rights movement in theory and practice, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1751-9020.2012.00462.x/abstract This guide accompanies the following article:
Munro, Lyle 2012. The Animal Rights Movement in Theory and Practice: A Review of the Sociological Literature. Sociology Compass 6(2): 166-181.
Pellow, David N. / Brehm, Hollie Nyseth 2015. From the New Ecological Paradigm to Total Liberation: The Emergence of a Social Movement Frame. Sociological Quarterly 56 (1): 185-212 Free Access! http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/tsq.12084/abstract .
Segal, Jerome. 2020. Animal Radical. Histoire et sociologie de l'antispécisme. Montreal, Lux éditeur. https://luxediteur.com/catalogue/animal-radical/
Siisiainen, Martti 2004. The Newness of the Movements for Animal Rights in Finland. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology 41 (1): 79-101.
Sorenson, John 2010. About Canada: Animal Rights. Halifax, Fernwood Publication.
Traini, Christophe 2016. The Animal Rights Struggle: An Essay in Historical Sociology (Protest and Social Movements). Amsterdam, Amsterdam University Press. Open Access at http://library.oapen.org/handle/20.500.12657/31889
Traini, Christophe 2012. Between Disgust And Moral Outrage: Sociogenesis Of An Activist Practice. Revue francaise de science politique 62 (4): 559-581.
Villanueva, Gonzalo. 2015. “In the Corridors of Power”: How the Animal Movement Changed Australian Politics, 1979-1991. Australian Journal of Politics and History 61 (4): 546-561.
Vogeler, C. S. 2017. Farm animal welfare policy in comparative perspective: Determinants of cross-national Differences in Austria, Germany, and Switzerland. European Policy Analysis, 3(1), 20–47. https://doi.org/10.1002/epa2.1015
Vogeler, C. S. 2019a. Market-based governance in farm animal welfare: A comparative analysis of public and private policies in Germany and France. Animals, 9(5), 267. https://doi.org/10.3390/ani90 50267
Vogeler, C. S. 2019b. Why do farm animal welfare regulations vary between EU Member States? A comparative analysis of societal and party political determinants in France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK. Journal of Common Market Studies, 57(2), 317–335. https://doi.org/10.1111/jcms.12794
Vogeler, C. S. (2020). Politicizing farm animal welfare: A comparative study of policy change in the United States of America. Journal of Comparative Policy Analysis: Research and Practice, 23(5-6), 526–543. https://doi.org/10.1080/13876 988.2020.1742069
Vogeler, C. S., Hornung, J., & Bandelow, N. C. (2020). Farm animal welfare policymaking in the European Parliament—A social identity perspective on voting behaviour. Journal of Environmental Policy & Planning, 22(4), 518–530. https://doi.org/10.1080/15239 08x.2020.1778458
Vukelic, Jelisaveta 2012. Emotions and social movements. The case of the animal rights and welfare movement in Serbia. Sociologija 54 (1): 185-204.
Walby, Kevin / Monaghan, Jeffrey 2011. Private Eyes and Public Order: Policing and Surveillance in the Suppression of Animal Rights Activists in Canada. Social Movement Studies 10 (1): 21-37.
Yates, Roger 2011. Criminalizing protests about animal abuse. Recent Irish experience in global context. Crime, Law and Social Change 55 (5): 469-482.
Yates, Roger 2010. Making a Killing: The Political Economy of Animal Rights. Sociology 44 (1): 171-172.
York, Richard 2004. Humanity and inhumanity. Toward a sociology of the slaughterhouse. Organization and Environment 17 (2): 260-265.