Welcome to our FEWD bibliography with main focus on the animal advocacy movement.


Aaltola, Elisa 2011. The Philosophy behind the movement. Animal studies versus Animal Rights. Society and Animals 19: 391-404.

Benford, Robert D. / Snow, David A. 2000. Framing Processes and Social Movements: An Overview and Assessment. Annual Review of Sociology 26: 611-639.

Bertuzzi, Niccolo 2019. Contemporary animal advocacy in Italy. Modern Italy: Journal of the Association for the Study of Modern Italy 24 (1): 1-20. (1): 1-20.

Berry, Bonnie 2004. International progress and regress on animal rights. International Journal of Sociology and Social Policy 24 (9): 58-75.

*Cherry, Elizabeth 2010. Shifting Symbolic Boundaries: Cultural Strategies of the Animal Rights Movement. Sociological Forum 25 (3): 450-475. (PDF)

*Cherry, Elizabeth 2006. Veganism as a Cultural Movement: A Relational Approach. Social Movement Studies 5 (2): 155-170.

Cherry, Elizabeth 2007. Reviewed Item: Munro, Lyle 2005 Confronting Cruelty: Moral Orthodoxy and the Challenge of the Animal Rights Movement. Mobilization: An International Journal 12 (1): 96-97.

Diaz Carmona, Estela 2012. Profile of the Vegan Animal Rights Activist in Spain. Revista Espanola de Investigaciones Sociologicas 139: 175-187.

*Donovan, John / Coupe, Richard Timothy 2013. Animal rights extremism: Victimization, investigation and detection of a campaign of criminal intimidation. European Journal of Criminology 10 (1): 113-132.

Duerk, John A. 2012. A cultural analysis of the animal rights movement (Dissertation, Northern Illinois University). Ann Arbor, ProQuest.

Eagan, Sean P. 1996. From Spikes to Bombs: The Rise of Eco-Terrorism. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 19 (1): 1-18.

*Einwohner, Rachel 2002. Bringing the Outsiders in: Opponents’ Claims and the Construction of Animal Rights Activists’ Identity’. Mobilization: An International Journal 7: 253-268.

Einwohner, Rachel 2002. Motivational Framing and Efficacy Maintenance: Animal Rights Activists' Use of Four Fortifying Strategies. Sociological Quarterly 43 (4): 509-526.

Einwohner, Rachel 1999. Practices, Opportunity, and Protest Effectiveness: Illustrations from Four Animal Rights Campaigns. Social Problems 46 (2): 169-186.

Friedrichs, Jürgen 1997. Die gewaltsame Legitimierung sozialer Normen. Das Beispiel der Tierrechtler/Veganer. In:  Trotha, Trutz von (ed.). Soziologie der Gewalt. (KZfSS, Sonderheft 37). Opladen: 327-354.

Gaarder, Emily 2011. Where the Boys Aren't: The Predominance of Women in Animal Rights Activism. Feminist Formations 23(2): 54-76.

*Gaarder, Emily 2008. Risk & Reward: The Impact of Animal Rights Activism on Women. Society and Animals 16(1): 1-22.

*Garner, Robert 1998. Defending Animal Rights. Parliamentary Affairs 51 (3): 462-463.

Garner, Robert 2002. Political Ideologie and the Legal Staus of Animals. Animal Law Review 8: 77-91.

*Garner, Robert 2008. The Politics of Animal Rights. British Politics 3 (1): 110-119.

*Garner, Robert 2011. In Defence of Animal Sentience: A Critique of Cochrane’s Liberty Thesis. Political Studies 59: 175-187.

Gille, Zsuzsa 2011. The Hungarian Foie Gras Boycott: Struggles for Moral Sovereignty in Postsocialist Europe. East European Politics and Societies 25(1): 114-128.

Girgen, Jen 2008. Constructing animal rights activism as a social threat: Claims-making in the 'New York Times' and in congressional hearings (Dissertation - Tallahassee, FL The Florida State University). Ann Arbor, MI, ProQuest.

Glasser, Carol Lynn 2012. Moderates and Radicals Under Repression. The U.S. animal rights movement, 1990-2010 (Dissertation University of California, Irvine). Ann Arbor, MI, ProQuest.

Goldberg, Justin Mathew 2013 Internalizing Empathy: The Influence of Social Morality on Attitudes Towards Animal Rights (Master Thesis). Ann Arbor, MI, ProQuest.

Goodman, Jared S. 2008. Shielding Corporate Interests from Public Dissent: An Examination of the Undesirability and Unconstitutionality of Eco-Terrorism Legislation. Journal of Law and Policy 16 (2): 823-875 https://www.brooklaw.edu/~/media/PDF/LawJournals/JLP_PDF/jlp_vol16ii.ashx  

Goodman, Ryan J. 2013. How We Fight: Strategies at Emergence among Animal Rights and LGBTQ Rights Organizations. (Dissertation). Ann Arbor, ProQuest.

*Groves, Julian McAllister 2001. Animal rights and the politics of emotion. folk constructs of emotions in the animal rights movement. In. Goodwin, Jeff / et al. (eds.). Passionate Politics: Emotions and Social Movements. Chicago, IL, University of Chicago Press: 212-229.

*Hadley, John 2015. A meta-level problem for animal rights theory. In. Aaltola, Elisa / Hadley, John (eds.). Animal Ethics and Philosophy. Questioning the Orthodoxy. London, Rowman & Littlefield: 15-30.

*Hadley, John 2009. Animal Rights Extremism and the Terrorism Question. Journal of Social Philosophy 40 (3): 363-378.

Haenfler, Ross / Johnson, Brett / Jones, Ellis 2012. Lifestyle Movements: Exploring the Intersection of Lifestyle and Social Movements. Social Movement Studies 11 (1): 1-20.

Harris, Martyn 1985. The Animal Rights Brigade. New Society. (Jan 31, 1985)): 168-171.

*Herzog, Dorothea / Galvin, Shelley L. 1998. Attitudes and Dispositional Optimism of Animal Rights Demonstrators. Society and Animals 6 (1): 1-11.      

*Herzog, Harold A. /  Golden, Lauren L. 2009. Moral Emotions and Social Activism: The Case of Animal Rights. Journal of Social Issues 65 (3): 485-498.

Herzog, Harold A. / et al. 1997. Animal Rights Talk. Moral Debate over the Internet. Qualitative Sociology 20 (3): 399-418.

*Herzog, Harold A. / Galvin, Shelley L. 1992. Ethical Ideology, Animal Rights Activism, and Attitudes Toward the Treatment of Animals. Ethics and Behavior 2 (3): 141-149.

*Herzog, Harold A. 1993. “The movement is my life”: The psychology of animal rights activism. Journal of Social Issues 49: 103 - 119.

*Hirsch-Hoefler, Sivan / Mudde, Cas 2014. Ecoterrorism: Terrorist Threat or Political Ploy? Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 37 (7): 586-603.

Hobson-West, Pru 2007. Reviewed Item: Munro, Lyle 2005  Confronting Cruelty. Moral Orthodoxy and the Challenge of the Animal Rights Movement. Sociology 41 (2): 375-377.

*Humphrey, Mathew /  Stears, Mark 2006. Animal Rights Protest and the Challenge to Deliberative Democracy. Economy and Society 35 (3): 400-422.       

Jacobsson, Kerstin / Lindblom, Jonas 2013. Emotion work in animal rights activism: A moral-sociological perspective. Acta Sociologica 56 (1): 55-68.

*Jacobsson, Kerstin / Lindblom, Jonas 2012. Moral Reflexivity and Dramaturgical Action in Social Movement Activism: The Case of the Plowshares and Animal Rights Sweden. Social Movement Studies 11 (1): 41-60.

*Jamison, Wesley V. / Wenk, Caspar / Parker, James V. 2000. Every sparrow that falls: Understanding animal rights activism as functional religion. Society and Animals 8 (3): 305-330 Reprinted: Armstrong, S. 2008.

Jamison, Wesley V. / Lunch, William M. 1992. Rights of Animals, Perceptions of Science, and Political Activism: Profile of American Animal Rights Activists. Science, Technology, and Human Values 17 (4): 438-458.

Jasper, James M. 2011. Emotions and Social Movements. Twenty Years of Theory and Research. Annual Review of Sociology 37: 285-303.

Jasper, James M. 1999. The Art of Moral Protest. Culture, Biography, and Creativity in Social Movement. Chicago, IL, University of Chicago Press

Jasper, James M.  1998. The Emotions of Protests: Affective and Reactive Emotions in and around Social Movements. Sociological Forum 13: 397-424.

Jasper, James M. / Poulsen, Jane D. 1995. Recruiting Strangers and Friends: Moral Shocks and Social Networks in Animal Rights and Anti-Nuclear Protests. Social Problems 42(4): 493-511.

Jasper, James M. / Poulsen, Jane 1993 Fighting Back. Vulnerabilities, Blunders, and Countermobilization by the Targets in Three Animal Rights Campaigns. Sociological Forum 8: 639-657.

Jasper, James M. / Nelkin, Dorothy 1992. The Animal Rights Crusade. The Growth of a Moral Protest. New York, NY, Free Press.

Jasper, James M. / Nelkin, Dorothy 1991. The Mentalite of the Animal Rights Movement: Sentimental Anthropomorphism and the Critique of Instrumentalism - Conference Paper. American Sociological Association.

Jasper, James M. / Poulsen, Jane D. 1989. Animal Rights and Anti-Nuclear Protest: Condensing Symbols and the Critique of Instrumental Reason (Conference Paper). American Sociological Association.

Jerolmack, Colin 2003. Tracing the Profile of Animal Rights Supporters: A Preliminary Investigation. Society and Animals 11 (3): 245-263.

Kinney, William J. 1991. The Social Psychology of Animal Rights. Wisconsin Sociologist 28: 10-16.

Kovacevic, Bozo 2010. A Manifesto of Animal Rights Movement: On Speciesism or Discrimination on the Basis of Species. Revija za sociologiju 40 (3): 337-343.

Lawrence, Elizabeth Atwood 1994. Conflicting Ideologies: Views of Animal Rights Advocates and Their Opponents. Society and Animals 2 (2): 175-190.

Liddick, Don 2013. Techniques of Neutralization and Animal Rights Activists. Deviant Behavior 34 (8): 618-634.

Lindenblatt, Michelle C. 2013. Animal/Event: Performance, Activism, and Animal Rights (Dissertation). Ann Arbor, MI, ProQuest.

Lowe, Brian 2009. Reviewed Item: Bronner, Simon 2008. Killing Tradition: Inside Hunting and Animal Rights Controversies. Rural Sociology 74 (4): 637-641.

Lowe, Brian 2008. Animal Rights Struggles to Dominate the Public Moral Imagination through Sociological Warfare. Theory in Action 1 (3): 1-24.

Lowe, Brian 2006. Emerging Moral Vocabularies. The Creation and Establishment of New Forms of Moral and Ethical Meanings. Lanham, Lexington Books.

Lowe, Brian 2002. Hearts and Minds and Morality. Analyzing Moral Vocabularies in Qualitative Studies. Qualitative Sociology 25 (1): 105-128.

Lowe, Brian / Ginsberg, Caryn 2002. Animal Rights as a Post-Citizenship Movement. Society and Animals 10 (203-215).

Lowe, Brian 2001. Animal Rights as a Quasi-Religion. Implicit Religion 4 (1): 41-60.

Lowe, Brian 1998. "Free the Animals!": Animal Rights Activists as Moral Entrepreneurs - Conference Paper.  American Sociological Association.

Luke, Brian 1992. From animal rights to animal liberation: An anarchistic approach to inter-species morality. (Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh). Ann Arbor, MI, ProQuest.

Macauley, David 1987. Political Animals: A Study of the Emerging Animal Rights Movement in the United States. Between the Species 3: 66-75.

MacDonald, David B. 2006 Pushing the Limits of Humanity? Reinterpreting Animal Rights and “Personhood” Through the Prism of the Holocaust. Journal of Human Rights 5 (4): 417-437.

*McCoy, Kimberly E. 2007. Subverting justice: An indictment of the animal enterprise terrorism act. Animal Law Review 14 (1): 1-18.

McMurray, Kimberly 2009. But can they suffer? The militant wing of the contemporary animal rights movement and agenda-setting in congress. (Dissertation, Villanova University). Ann Arbor, MI, ProQuest.

Merskin, Debra 2010. Cleveland Amory: Media Curmudgeon and Animal Rights Crusader. Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly 87 (1): 194-196.

Metcalfe, David 2008. The protest game: Animal rights protests and the life sciences industry. Negotiation Journal 24 (2): 125-143.

Michalski, Joseph H. 2016. Overcoming Sociological Naïveté in the Animal Rights Movement. Theory in Action 9 (1): 52-82.

*Mika, Marie 2009. Framing the Issue. Religion, Secular Ethics and the Case of Animal Rights Mobilization. Social Forces 85 (2): 915-941.

Mills, Gordon 2013. The successes and failures of policing animal rights extremism in the UK 2004-2010. International Journal of Police Science and Management 15 (1): 30-44.

Monaghana, Rachel 2013. Not Quite Terrorism. Animal Rights Extremism in the United Kingdom. Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 36 (11): 933-951.

Monaghana, Rachel 2000. Single-Issue Terrorism: A Neglected Phenomenon? Studies in Conflict and Terrorism 23 (4): 255-265.

Monaghana, Rachel 1999. Terrorism in the Name of Animal Rights. In. Taylor, Maxwell (ed.). The Future of Terrorism. London, Routledge: 159-169.

Monaghana, Rachel 1997. Animal Rights and Violent Protest. Terrorism and Political Violence 9 (4): 106-116.

Morgan, Jonathan M. 2003. Welfare interests and legal rights for non-human animals. (Master Thesis, University of Montana). Ann Arbor, MI, ProQuest.

*Munro, Lyle 2012.  Learning and Teaching Guide on the animal rights movement in theory and practice, http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1751-9020.2012.00462.x/abstract   This guide accompanies the following article:

*Munro, Lyle 2012. The Animal Rights Movement in Theory and Practice: A Review of the Sociological Literature. Sociology Compass 6(2): 166-181.

Munro, Lyle 2005. Strategies, Action Repertoires and DIY Activism in the Animal Rights Movement. Social Movement Studies 4 (1): 75-94.

Munro, Lyle 2002. The Animal Activism of Henry Spira (1927-1998). Society and Animals 10: 173-191.

Munro, Lyle 1999. Contesting Moral Capital in Campaigns against Animal Liberation. Society and Animals 7 (1): 35-53.

Munro, Lyle 1997. Framing Cruelty: The Construction of Duck-Shooting as a Social Problem. Society and Animals 5: 137-154.

McMurray, Kimberly 2009. But can they suffer? The militant wing of the contemporary animal rights movement and agenda-setting in congress. (Dissertation, Villanova University). Ann Arbor, MI, ProQuest.

Nature.com 2011.02.24. Animal rights and wrongs. doi:10.1038/470435a,  Nature 470 (7335 ): 435, Page 452-453 Battle scars, page 457- 459 Animal testing - TV or not TV. see also www.nature.com/animalresearch

Nibert, David 2007. The Promotion of "Meat" and its Consequences. In:  Kalof, Linda /  Fitzgerald, Amy J. (eds.). The Animals Reader: The Essential Classic and Contemporary Writings. Oxford, Berg: 182-189.

Nibert, David 2000. Section-in-Formation Status Approved for Animals & Society  http://www.asanet.org/footnotes/dec00/fn10.html . Footnotes. Newsletter of the American Sociological Society.

Nibert, David 1994. Animal Rights and Human Social Issues. Society and Animals 2: 115-124.

O’Lear, Shannon 2003. Environmental Terrorism. A Critique. Geopolitics 8 (3): 127-150.

Pellow, David N. / Brehm, Hollie Nyseth 2015. From the New Ecological Paradigm to Total Liberation: The Emergence of a Social Movement Frame. Sociological Quarterly 56 (1): 185-212 Free Access! http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/tsq.12084/abstract .

Pike, Sarah M. 2013. Radical Animal Rights and Environmental Activism as Rites of Passage. Journal of Ritual Studies 27 (1): 35-45.

Plous, Scott 1998. Signs of Change within the Animal Rights Movement: Results from a Follow-up Survey of Activists. Journal of Comparative Psychology 112 (1): 48-54.           

Plous, Scott 1991. An Atttiude Survey of Animal Rights Activists. Psychological Science 2 (3): 194-196.

Richards, Rebecca Templin 1991. Consensus Mobilization through Ideology, Networks, and Grievances: A Study of the Contemporary Animal Rights Movement (Dissertation).

Scudder, Joseph N. /  Mills, Carol Bishop 2009. The credibility of shock advocacy: Animal rights attack messages. Public Relations Review 35 (2): 162-164 .

Shapiro, Kenneth 1994. The Caring Sleuth: Portrait of an Animal Rights Activist. Society and Animals 2 (2): 145-165.

Siisiainen, Martti 2004. The Newness of the Movements for Animal Rights in Finland. International Journal of Contemporary Sociology 41 (1): 79-101.

Silverstein, Helena 1996. Unleashing Rights. Law, Meaning, and the Animal Rights Movement (Dissertation 1992). Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press.

Simonson, Peter 2001. Social Noise and Segmented Rhythms: News, Entertainment, and Celebrity in the Crusade for Animal Rights. Communication Review 4 (3): 399-420.

Sin, Ray 2009. Emotionally Contentious Social Movements. A Tri-Variate Framework. Social Thought & Research 30: 87-116.

Smith, Mick 2002. The ‘Ethical' Space of the Abattoir: On the (In)human(e) Slaughter of Other Animals. Human Ecology Review 9 (2): 49-58.

Sorenson, John 2006. “Doctrine of Demons”: Attacks on Animal Advocacy. Green Theory & Praxis 2(1): online greentheoryandpraxis.org.

Sorenson, John 2009. Constructing Terrorists: Propaganda about Animal Rights. Critical Studies on Terrorism 2 (2): 237-256.

Sorenson, John 2010.12.13. The World's Most Dangerous Idea? Reply to M. Somerville. The Mark - www.themarknews.com.

Sorenson, John 2010. About Canada: Animal Rights. Halifax, Fernwood Publication.

*Sutherland, Anne / Nash, Jeffrey E. 1994. Animal Rights as a New Environmental Cosmology. Qualitative Sociology 17 (2): 171-186.

Swan, Davina 2003. Contesting Animal Rights on the Internet. Discourse Analysis of the Social Construction of Argument. Journal of Language and Social Psychology 22 (3): 297-320.

Tester, Keith 1990. The Relationship between the Idea and the Practice of Animal Rights (Dissertation).

Townley, Cynthia 2010. Animals and Humans: Grounds for Separations? Journal of Social Philosophy 41 (4): 512-526.

Traini, Christophe 2014. Animal Rights Activists and Law. Repression or Formalization of Emotions? Droit et société (87): 465-482.

Traini, Christophe 2012. Between Disgust And Moral Outrage: Sociogenesis Of An Activist Practice. Revue francaise de science politique 62 (4): 559-581 Abstract: “This article aims to show how the conversion to a vegetarian diet is an empirical material most relevant to the sociology of collective mobilization and activism.”

Traini, Christophe 2011. The Emotions of the Animal Cause: Stories of Affects and Militant Work. Politix: Revue des sciences sociales du politique 24 (93): DOI: 10.3917/pox.093.0069

Traini, Christophe 2010. From feelings to emotions (And back again) » How does one become an animal rights activist? Revue francaise de science politique 60: 219-240.

Turina, Isacco 2010. Ethics and Engagement in an Anti-Speciesist Group. Original Title. Ethique et engagement dans un groupe antispeciste. L'Annee sociologique 60 (1): 163-187.

Ullrich, Thorsten 1997. S.O.S. Tierrechte Hassberge. Eine neue Gruppe in einer neuen Bewegung. Forschungsjournal Neue Soziale Bewegungen 10 (2): 100-110.

Upton, Andrew 2012. 'Go On, Get Out There, And Make It Happen'. Reflections on the First Ten Years of Stop Huntingdon Animal Cruelty (SHAC). Parliamentary Affairs 65 (1): 238-254.

Upton, Andrew 2011. Contingent communication in a hybrid multi-media world: Analysing the campaigning strategies of SHAC. New Media and Society 13: 96-113.

Upton, Andrew 2011. In Testing Times: Conducting an Ethnographic Study of UK Animal Rights Protesters. Sociological Research Online 16 (4): http://www.socresonline.org.uk/16/4/1.html.

van Buuren, Jelle 2013. Holland's Own Kennedy Affair. Conspiracy Theories on the Murder of Pim Fortuyn. Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung 38 (1): 257-285.

Vialles, Noelie 1995. De l'animal a la viande: une mort sans cadavre. French Cultural Studies 6 (3): 335-350.

Villanueva, Gonzalo. 2015. “In the Corridors of Power”: How the Animal Movement Changed Australian Politics, 1979-1991. Australian Journal of Politics and History 61 (4): 546-561.

Vukelic, Jelisaveta 2012. Emotions and social movements. The case of the animal rights and welfare movement in Serbia. Sociologija 54 (1): 185-204.

*Walby, Kevin / Monaghan, Jeffrey 2011. Private Eyes and Public Order: Policing and Surveillance in the Suppression of Animal Rights Activists in Canada. Social Movement Studies 10 (1): 21-37.

Warren, Mary Anne 1986. Difficulties with the strong Animal Rights. Between the Species 2: 163-173. Position (Online 2014.01 http://digitalcommons.calpoly.edu/bts        

Webb, Jennifer Jean 2010. The thin green line: Geographies of ecoterrorism in the United States . (Disseration, University of South Carolina). Ann Arbor, ProQuest.

White, Rob 2009. Environmental Victims and Resistance to State Crime through Transnational Activism. Social Justice 36 (3): 46-60.

Wicks, Deidre 2008. Humans, Food and Other Animals: The Vegetarian Option. In:  Germov, John /  Williams, Lauren (eds.). A Sociology of Food and Nutrition: The Social Appetite. Third Edition. Oxford, Oxford University Press: 281-306.

Wilkie, Rhoda 2010. Livestock / Deadstock: Working with Farm Animals from Birth to Slaughter (Animals, Culture, and Society). Philadelphia, PA, Temple University Press.

Wrenn, Corey Lee 2013. A Critique of Single-issue Campaigning and the Importance of Comprehensive Abolitionist Vegan Advocacy. Food, Culture and Society 16 (4): 651-668.

Wrenn, Corey Lee 2013. Nonhuman Animal Rights, Alternative Food Systems, and the Non-Profit Industrial Complex. PhaenEx: Journal of Existential and Phenomenological Theory and Culture 8 (2): 209-242.

Wrenn, Corey Lee 2013. Resonance of Moral Shocks in Abolitionist Animal Rights Advocacy: Overcoming Contextual Constraints. Society and Animals 21 (4): 379-394.

Yates, Roger 2011. Criminalizing protests about animal abuse. Recent Irish experience in global context. Crime, Law and Social Change 55 (5): 469-482.

Yates, Roger 2010. Making a Killing: The Political Economy of Animal Rights. Sociology 44 (1): 171-172.

York, Richard 2004. Humanity and inhumanity. Toward a sociology of the slaughterhouse. Organization and Environment 17 (2): 260-265.

Zamir, Tzachi 2004. Veganism. Journal of Social Philosophy 35(3): 367-379.