Welcome /  Добро́ пожа́ловать  at ERCCP: Europe – Russia Camper and Caravanning Platform

This temporarly ERCCP research homepage is online reachable via vwww.visitrussiabycamper.eu  /  www.visitrussiabycamper.info  

The ERCCP project stays in the Europe - Russia dialog tradition.

Main example are the Austrian - Russia  Sochi Dialog, German - Russia Saint Petersburg Dialog, and the Latvia - Russia Cross-border Cooperation Program. And still under construction is the 2021 founded Forum Austria-Russia, under patronage by the Ambassador of Russia in Vienna.

The ERCCP strongly supports the transnational work of  FICC - Fédération Internationale de Camping, Caravanning et Autocaravaning - ficc.org  

The magazine 
Politexpert.net published already an article about research related to the ERCCP.

Pskov.ru  - The Pskov region is preparing to become the entrance gate to Russia for caravaners from all over the world.  ( See also about the border city Rezekne, a main Baltic partner for the ERCCP) 

Main ERCCP partner in Russia are:  

OAAK - ОБЩЕНАЦИОНАЛЬНАЯ АССОЦИАЦИЯ  АВТОМОТОТУРИЗМА И КАРАВАНИНГА  Russian National Motor Tourism and Caravanning Association  member of the FICC. The OAAK was founded by a Committee of the Moscow Chamber of Commerce and Industry

The ERCCP based in Vienna functions also as the first Austrian partner of the OAAK.

Close ERCCP collaboration exist with the Association "Siberian Tract"  via the TSHW research project.

The ERCCP exchange also regular with the second Russian FICC member, the Caravanner League.  

The Caravanner League is the main organizator of the 91. FICC Rally, happening in Moscow 2022 from 29. July to 7. August, it is the premier of a FICC Rally ever in Russ. 

Main ERCCP academic contacts are Omsk State University  and

RSUTS - Russian State University of Tourism and Services Studies



Summary of the main ERCCP (research) goals:

 Building a platform for systematic information and research exchange of European and Russian camper and caravanner activity in practice and theory.

Realizing these goals through multi- & interdisciplinary academic research and analysis.

(travel) journalism.


The FEWD coordinates the academic multi- interdisciplinary research of the ERCCP.

In the center of the research is at the 
moment ERCCP project “"Sibirsky Tract meets Trans-Siberian Highway – TSHW" More information about this project is already in German at fewd.univie.ac.at/russia/TSHW 

On this topic fundamentally useful is the Russian “Pilot project for the development of auto tourism – Siberian Trail Route System” online at  automototravel.com/siberian_trakt    See especially sibtract.ru/touristcomplex/ 

Friday 29th of July 2022 starts the 91th FICC Rally in Moscow, which happens for the first time in Russia and the ERCCP will be involved with empirical research about the interestes of European campers in Russia.

Before in June 2022 starts again the RBTSE - Red Bull Trans-Siberian Extreme Bicycle Stage Race from Moscow to Vladivostok in 15 stages / 25 days.

The ERCCP works also in close cooperation with RV LAND - rvland.ru   
The FEWD already did in the last few years about thousand interviews with campers and their possible interest to travel the TSHW. The other TSHW research part focuses on the already huge amount of western travel / popular culture literature, documentations and events dealing with the TSHW. Additionally, this project tries a comparative analysis of the TSHW with the North American “twin sister”, the Trans-Canada Highway. 

The ERCCP recommends the three Reise Know-How Russia maps!

Still the best Siberia travel guide in German is "Siberien" and TransSib Handbuch from Trescher Verlag.

And still for many the best travel guide about Russia is published by Lonely Planet.

Last but not least two leading German tour operator with focus on Russia.

And the leading Camper Guide books about the Baltics.

The plannend ERCCP homepage starts with a map covering the most relevant "border" region from west /Stockholm to the east / Moscow and from the north / Turku to the south / Krakau.

ERCCP Research Contact: Erwin.lengauer@univie.ac.at   fewd.univie.ac.at/lengauer

Version 2022.01.12