Vienna Manifesto on Digital Humanism
Vorweg auf Deutsch eine interessante Darstellung in Der Standard - Kommentar der Anderen. Löcker, Daniel 2019.11.13 Wir brauchen einen digitalen Humanismus! Technologische Anwendungen müssen stärker unter das Primat der demokratiepolitischen Werte der Aufklärung und des Humanismus gestellt werden. Wir müssen die Werte der Aufklärung in das Digitale übertragen, mahnt Daniel Löcker, Wissenschaftsreferent der Stadt Wien, im Gastkommentar.
The Vienna Manifesto on Digital Humanism is a position statement signed by over 1000 leaders worldwide that lays out the motivation and goals for the Digital Humanism Initiative. The Digital Humanism Initiative is an international collaboration seeking to build a community of scholars, policy makers, and industrial players who are focused on ensuring that technology development remain centered on human interests. (May 2019)
The book "Perspectives on Digital Humanism" is now available at Digital Humanism is young; it has evolved from an unease about the consequences of a digitized world for human beings into an internationally connected community that aims at developing concepts to provide a positive and constructive response. Following up on several successful workshops and a lecture series that bring together authorities of the various disciplines, this book is the latest contribution to the ongoing international discussions and developments. It comprises a collection of 46 articles from experts with different disciplinary and institutional backgrounds who provide their view on the interplay of human and machine.
Additionally more info about funding: The Call "Digital Humanism" within WWTF Programme "Information and Communication Technology" invited scientists to conduct interdisciplinary projects between social sciences & humanities and computer science / data science. These projects should engage constructively with the topic of digitalisiation which aims to re-align the technological developments to human and social needs in the spirit of Digital Humanism. The call is co-financed by the City of Vienna. Furthermore, applications of "Joint Projects" between research institutions in Vienna and Lower Austria were possible, and as a result, projects are also co-financed by the Federal State of Lower Austria. The international jury chaired by Sally Wyatt (Maastricht University) recommended 9 projects for funding. Funding volume: € 3 593 680 More info at