Here you find some basic sources for the FEWD project concept: Humanistic discourses, civil society and social movements in Bulgaria, Romania and the West Balkans. - Here is the focus on Bulgaria!
Starting with the values of the “classical” humanist manifestos https://fewd.univie.ac.at/humanist-manifestos/ moving to the goals and work of the national, European and International Humanist networks.
Below you find some chronological organized information about basic publications for further research. Inspiration for this FEWD project we receive beside different disciplines in the humanities especially from the European Sociological Association Research Network Social Movements and the International Sociological Association with the Research Committee 47 Social Classes and Social Movements and 48 Social Movements, Collective Action and Social Change
2022: The role of individuals in social movements: the rise of policy entrepreneurs in Bulgaria during the first Borisov Cabinet, https://haifa.academia.edu/GianfrancoBrusaporci
2020: Social movements in Bulgaria, https://sciences-po.academia.edu/Nad%C3%A8geRAGARU
2019: From victims to citizens: Emerging activist identities in the anti‐fracking movement in Bulgaria, by Nikolay Mihaylov https://vanderbilt.academia.edu/NikolayMihaylov
2018: The ‘stronger state’ and counter-democracy. Bulgarian street protests, 2012–2013, in the accounts of participants, https://uni-sofia.academia.edu/ValentinaGeorgieva
2018: Social Movements in the Balkans. Rebellion and Protest from Maribor to Taksim, edited book, https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Florian-Bieber-2
2014 Reclaim the State. Conceptions of Democracy in Recent Social Movements in Bulgaria (2009 - 2013), https://uni-sofia.academia.edu/ValentinaGeorgieva