Welcome to the transnational project with the working title:
Multi- and interdisciplinary structures of the first CEE research platform on animal advocacy and animal law. A project initiated and coordinated by the FEWD / Vienna and the SWPS / Warsaw.
Here below at fewd.univie.ac.at/swps you will find soon more information.
The project is embedded in the intellectual structure of civil society discourses. This part is inspired and supervised by one of the leading Austrian philosopher and bioethicist, Prof. Peter Kampits, see https://fewd.univie.ac.at/about/team/kampits/
Civil society as fundamental for social movements is here analyzed in the context of animal advocacy / law as applied and as (sometimes) a highly philosophical field of research.
The FEWD has been running since 2001 a journal and research club dealing with special focus on the central terms of animal legal philosophy. This included especially theory of rights, concepts of dignity, personhood, killing, and several more.
Also, since 2001 the FEWD coordinates the Vienna Animal Advocacy Lectures, see https://fewd.univie.ac.at/aa/vaal/
The FEWD animal law part will be covered by experts from the Faculty of Law at University of Vienna.
Further on, this project uses the knowledge of a newly arranged project advisory board with more than twenty international animal law / advocacy researchers.
At SPWS Warsaw, the main contact is a team supervised by the leading Polish law Professor Dr. Teresa Gardocka. Dr. Agnieszka Gruszczyńska and Dr. Paweł Pasieka coordinates already the pioneering SPWS course “Prawa zwierząt, interdyscyplinarne studia podyplomowe”, see https://www.swps.pl/oferta/warszawa/podyplomowe/prawo/prawa-zwierzat-interdyscyplinarne-studia-podyplomowe
In CEE the leading country on animal advocacy / law research is definitely Poland, see basics at https://fewd.univie.ac.at/aa/country/poland/ and more specific https://fewd.univie.ac.at/aa/country/poland/bibliography/
Therefore, the FEWD is proud to cooperate with the very engaged and pioneering Warsaw based SWPS Animal Law / advocacy team as the central partner for the umbrella project network FAARCEE - The Friends of Animal Advocacy and Law Research in Central and Eastern Europe. FAARCEE works in close cooperation with academia, civil society, and major social movements. Already some information at https://fewd.univie.ac.at/aa/faarcee/
For more information – especially the developing cooperation with the SWPS – please contact us at the moment via fewd.philosophie@univie.ac.at
or direct Erwin.lengauer@univie.ac.at / https://fewd.univie.ac.at/lengauer/