Lengauer Rupert und Karoline Foundation - LRKF!

Welcome to the developing Lengauer Rupert und Karoline Foundation - LRKF!

The LRKF will award academic peer reviewed publications dealing with the topic of

(Secular) Humanistic Bioethics, a multi- and interdisciplinary dialog.

The second main focus of the LRKF award will be on the topic of

Animal advocacy, a multi- and interdisciplinary dialog

Special support will receive research dealing with the CEE / SEE region.

For more general information you can already contact the LRKF via


or direct Erwin Lengauer erwin.lengauer@univie.ac.at 

 Special thanks goes to the Raiffeisenbank Hohe Tauern, Bankstelle Bruck
The mountain village Bruck in the Austrian Alps, close to the High Tauern National Park and at the beginning of the world famous Grossglockner High Alpine Road is the place where I grew up.
And where beside my parents, brothers and sister especially the village school teacher and (Franciscan) priests inspired my way to academia.