Welcome to the bioethics area at FEWD.at
Since the founding of the FEWD in the year 2001 is bioethics in an inter-and multidisciplinary approach in the focus of the FEWD research. In the year 2001 the important national Bioethics Commission at the Austrian Federal Chancellery was also established. The task of the Bioethics Commission is to advise the Federal Chancellor from an ethical point of view on all social, natural scientific and legal issues arising from the scientific developments in human medicine and human biology.
Because the main founder of the FEWD, Prof. Kampits is since many years vice-chairperson of this Bioethics Commission the activity of FEWD follows in several ways the same research topics. One of the main contribution of the FEWD.at to this areas is to argue for the plausibility of arguments from modern and classic (secular) humanistic approaches. Also, since beginning Prof. M. Wuketits supported this approach in various ways. Please visit also our restarting FEWD bioethics project
"Bioethics in CEE with special focus on the Balkans.” See https://fewd.univie.ac.at/bioethics/CEE/balkans/
Special thanks for providing very useful CEE related research information goes to CEEOL.
(In the year 2023 our old FEWD homepage and backup was hacked. Therefore, we have to rebuild most of the information)